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Lær mere om PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION. Vi fremmer videnskab ved at tilbyde produktudvalg, serviceydelser, proces ekspertise og personale til at eksekvere. Precision Dynamics Corporation (PDC) is an American international identification device manufacturer headquartered in Valencia, California with offices abroad in Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom. The company makes identification devices for healthcare, jailing, and entertainment purposes, including wristband and RFID devices.

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Learn more about PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION. We enable science by offering product choice, services, process excellence and our people make it happen. Precision Dynamics #AN-20 Drug Label Timemed Anesthesia Label Tape Succinylcholine mg/mL Date_Time_Int Fluorescent Red 1/2 X 1-1/2 Inch Log in for pricing and availability For more information, call Paula Moggio, Media Relations Specialist, at 818-897-1111 ext. 1330, Precision Dynamics Corporation, 13880 Del Sur Street, San Fernando, CA 91340 USA or visit www.pdcorp World-class identification solutions for efficiency, safety, and compliance. PDC serves these diverse markets through a variety of channels by leveraging its combined resources of brands and experience across numerous industries to ensure superior product design, manufacturing and customer support.

Precision dynamics corporation

PDC serves these diverse markets through a variety of channels by leveraging its combined resources of brands and experience across numerous industries to ensure superior product … Precision Dynamics Corporation (PDC) provides identification systems. The Company develops and markets integrated patient wristband and label identification solutions to healthcare, crowd control With more than six decades of experience, PDC Healthcare is a trusted leader in identification and patient safety solutions. Over 90% of hospitals rely upon PDC Healthcare products today. Our extensive portfolio of identification solutions ensures positive patient identification, helps reduce medical errors, and improve patient safety. Company Description.
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Precision dynamics corporation

Precision Dynamics Corporation at Entertainment Drive, Valencia, CA 91355, USA. Find their customers, contact information, and details on 527 shipments. There are 14 companies that go by the name of Precision Dynamics Corporation. These companies are located in Boston MA, Centenial CO, Chicago IL, Concord NH, Frankfort KY, Hartford CT, Indianapolis IN, Jeffersonville VT, Madison WI, Milwaukee WI, Phoenix AZ, Plantation FL, Plymouth MI, Valencia CA, Valencia CO, Valencia WI, and West Trenton NJ. Precision Dynamics Corporation uses 63 different technologies from 10 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Amazon EC2, Magento Enterprise Edition and Six Sigma. precision dynamics is a leading manufacturer of two- and three-way miniature solenoid valves, manifold assemblies, and fluidic systems.

Precision Dynamics Corporation Company Profile - View the latest news, market research, credit research, and investment research on Precision Dynamics CorporationValenciaCAhttp://www.pdcorp.com distiller Precision Dynamics Corporation at Entertainment Drive, Valencia, CA 91355, USA. Find their customers, contact information, and details on 527 shipments.
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PDC (Precision Dynamics Corporation) is a supplier of patient identification systems. It offers wristbands, labels, badges, lanyards, medical imaging products, and more. The company caters to leisure and entertainment, law enforcement, and animal identification (ID) industries.

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PDC. Precision Dynamics Corp. Manufacturing.

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Company Name: PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION. Govcb Vendor ID: SAM00000000001390275. Year Established: 1956  6 Jul 2011 Precision Dynamics Corporation and The St. John Companies' RFID Wristband Intellectual Property Confirmed by U.S. Patent Office - read this  Precision Dynamics, Inc. 240 likes. Precision Dynamics was founded in 1990 and is a family owned and operated company.

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