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(formerly SPP - preprava, a.s.), a joint stock company incorporated under the laws of the Slovak Republic and, at the date of this Agreement, having its seat at Votrubova 11/A, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, with identification number (IČO) 35 910 712; Bratislava 11. februára 2021 – Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (SPP) a jeho projekt Smart Hydra, rovnako ako spoločnosť Eustream so zámerom H2 Infrastructure patria medzi 15 projektov, ktoré uspeli v národnom výberovom procese výzvy IPCEI ( Important Projects of Common European Interest – Dôležité projekty spoločného európskeho záujmu) v oblasti vodíkových technológií. Headquartered in Bratislava, eustream a.s. is a gas transmission network operator and a wholly owned subsidiary of SPP. In 2012, it transported 56 bcm of gas through 2,260 km of pipelines. The company awaits a certification process as an independent transmission operator following the transfer of the transmission assets from SPP in February 2013. SPP is 100% state-owned through the State Property Fund.

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Pravidelne testujú svojich zamestnancov spoločnosti SPP - distribúcia a Eustream. SPP sa v súčasnosti na testovanie zamestnancov pripravuje. "Vybrané skupiny zamestnancov testujeme v pravidelných intervaloch (pracovníci plynárenského dispečingu, zákazníckych kancelárií, kancelárií technickej dokumentácie, podateľne…). Eustream is fully owned by Slovak incumbent gas company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. (hereafter, "SPP"), active in the trade and supply of natural gas. SPP in turn is for 51% owned by the Slovak National Property Fund which is part of the Slovakian State, Do portfólia SPP Infrastructure patria spoločnosti Eustream, SPP-distribúcia, a Nafta.

Company Announcements SPP Infra Fin B.V - InvestEgate

With SPP Pumps excellent modular pump design, it allows interchangeability across the range giving you much more flexibility in terms of your maintenance, stock holding and material options. Eustream/SPP Distribúcia . Good carry names in CEE Energy Mat. Recommendation: We view both credit profiles as stable and see limited headroom for variations in 2016/17 apart from our expectation that net debt/EBITDA could increase up to 2.5x as both companies upstream excess cash to their controlling entity. As we view the CEE TSO and DNO RPT-Fitch Assigns Slovakia's eustream 'A-', on Rating Watch Evolving eustream, a.s.

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Fitch Ratings - Milan - 23 Mar 2020: Fitch Ratings has affirmed eustream's Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'A-' with a Stable Outlook and SPP Infrastructure Financing B.V.'s (SPPIF) senior unsecured notes, guaranteed by eustream, at 'A-'. eustream, a.s., SPP-distribúcia a.s. a NAFTA a.s. sa spoločne zameriavajú na to, aby bola slovenská plynárenská infraštruktúra pripravená na prepravu, distribúciu a skladovanie vodíka The SPP Pumps standard pump product ranges have been expertly designed to enable you to fit them to or replace any of your existing pumps. Modular Designs. With SPP Pumps excellent modular pump design, it allows interchangeability across the range giving you much more flexibility in terms of your maintenance, stock holding and material options. SPP Infrastructure group (SPPI Group), headquartered in Bratislava, is an established integrated gas utility with operations mainly in the Slovak Republic and important participant in the European gas market.

Spp eustream

Aby sme toto poslanie mohli zodpovedne plniť, prevádzkujeme v Slovenskej republike vysokotlakovú prepravnú sieť. Bratislava, December 3, 2008 Representatives of OOO Gazprom export, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel a.s. (SPP) and eustream, a.s. (Eustream), met today on the occasion of the recently signed long-term agreements on natural gas supplies and natural gas transmission, at the press-conference in Primate’s Palace in Bratislava, Slovakia. SPP Eurostream range - Close Coupled Pumps. The Eurostream range of pumps provides close coupled versions of the SPP Pumps Unistream which is designed based on the DIN 24255 standard. The range covers 25 pump sizes from 32mm to 125mm discharge affording 190 pump/motor combinations.
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Spp eustream

Taktiež vybrané regióny, v ktorých pôsobí spoločnosť Nafta a.s. a spoločnosť SPP a.s. Evidence that changes to the Slovenský Plynárenský Priemysel (SPP) gas utility are being orchestrated by financial groups is mounting, according to Daniel Lipšic, chair of the New Majority-Agreement movement. The latest piece of evidence involves steps taken by a new SPP subsidiary called SPP Infrastructure Financing, which is reported to have borrowed €750 million since it was set up in O to, aby tomu tak bolo vždy, sa starajú dcérske spoločnosti SPP: eustream, a.s - prevádzkovateľ prepravnej siete a SPP – distribúcia, a. - prevádzkovateľ distribučnej siete.

• SPP – distribúcia, a.s.. • Nafta, a.s.
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Company Announcements SPP Infra Fin B.V - InvestEgate

Dnes sa stretli predstavitelia spoločností OOO Gazprom export, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. (SPP) a eustream, a.s.

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RPT-Fitch maintains eustream on rating watch evolvin. By Reuters Staff. 5 Min Read (Repeat for additional subscribers) Dec 2 (Reuters) - (The following statement was released by the rating agency) At its meeting on Wednesday, the Slovak cabinet deferred a decision on whether to transfer ownership of Slovakia’s gas transmission system and transport activities from gas utility SPP to another company, Eustream. "The cabinet did not deal with this material as the new minority shareholder has still not definitely entered into SPP," Economy Ministry spokesman Stanislav Jurikovič told the Spoločnosť Eustream zabezpečuje prepravu zemného plynu z Ruska do strednej a západnej Európy.

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Oznamy. VÝZVA . Spoločenská kronika. Smútočné oznámenie (225.06 kB) RUDOLF PIKÁLEK. SPP - distribúcia. 8,327 likes · 22 talking about this · 23 were here. Nezávislý prevádzkovateľ plynárenskej distribučnej siete v SR. Zabezpečuje bezpečnú a spoľahlivú distribúciu zemného plynu viac 29 Jan 2021 Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of eustream, a.s.Global Credit Research - 29  It enables access to the gas transmission system and provides gas transmission services.

EUSTREAM ponúka svojim zamestnancom medzinárodné prostredie silnej a stabilnej spoločnosti s jedinečnou pozíciou na európskom trhu. Zamestnancom, ktorí sú hnacím motorom úspechu spoločnosti EUSTREAM, sa snažíme vytvoriť podnetné pracovisko, ktoré nabíja pozitívnou energiou.