Bibliography in: Gender Equality on a Grand Tour - Brill


Work stress and risk of death in men and women - The Lancet

By embracing – and driving – an open science future, we aim to help build a more collaborative, inclusive and transparent world of research”. These agreements enable both access to recent research results across its extensive journal portfolio and ability to publish in its Gold and Hybrid Open Access journals. In a win for Open Science principles, on May 19, 2020, Elsevier has partnered with the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), The Netherlands Federation of 2017-09-26 500th gold open access journal launched. We are pleased to announce the launch of our 500th gold open access journal.

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JournalFinder uses smart search technology and field-of-research specific vocabularies to match your paper’s abstract to scientific journals. In Elsevier Connect, Gemma Hersh, Elsevier’s VP, Policy and Communications, shared Elsevier’s insights to make the transition to a gold open access possible. To Gemma and the “ world’s Current Research in Insect Science (CRIS) is a new primary research, gold open access journal from Elsevier.CRIS publishes review articles, original resear Different open access types are currently commonly described using a colour system. The most commonly recognised names are "green", "gold", and "hybrid" open access; however, a number of other models and alternative terms are also used.

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SSMQR is a new open access companion title to Social Science & Medicine and SSM – Population Health.The Journal welcomes interdisciplinary qualitative research - including both methodological and theoretical contributions – related to medical care, illness, disease Gold open access publication fees for Elsevier titles are article publishing charges, are journal-specific and range from 500 - 5000 US dollars. How To request Open Access, find the link you received in your email to the Rights and Access form.

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The choice is dependent on the journal in which the author chooses to publish.

Gold open access elsevier

Gold open access is delivered through publication by an open access publisher, as a journal article or a book. To subsidize publishing costs associated with peer review and printing, some journals may require payment from authors in the form of an article processing charge (APC). Fully open access journals. Fully open access journals make all published articles immediately free to read and reuse without any subscription charges or access fees.
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Gold open access elsevier

As part of that ongoing commitment, we have been reviewing our current titles to ensure they reflect the… Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology 2017-09-26 · Today Elsevier published its vision of Open Access, written by Gemma Hersh, and suggests a route that is neither green nor gold, but a mixture of it, one could say blue Open Access: Articles published by European institutions should be available Gold Open Access within Europe and – if deposited on a repository – Green Open Access outside of Europe.

The OA movement has made it possible for scientific research to become more widely available.
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To support the cost of managing peer review and publication, applies an article publication charge (APC) for published articles (or an article publication fee for journals published on behalf of the AAS). Green Open Access. American Chemical Society – ACS; American Computing Machinery – ACM; Annual Reviews; American Institute of Physics – AIP; Elsevier; IEEE; Institute of Physics – IOP; Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC; Sage; SIAM; Springer-Nature; Taylor & Francis; Wiley; Gold Open Access. Gold Open Access; American Computing Green Open Access is certainly a good model during a transition to Gold Open Access, but in the long run the integrity of the academic record is unlikely to be aided by having multiple versions of manuscripts available and, on a practical level, it can make the finding of an accessible version of a text even more complex than it already is through the ‘reader pays’ subscription model.

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Publiceringsavtal: Elsevier - Örebro universitet

a journal which makes the content free for anyone to access (gold OA), or 2)  Elsevier; Wilhelm Widmark (Stockholms Elsevier: ScienceDirect Freedom Collection, Cell Press, Titles. Outside ett open access-initiativ som kallas ”Gold for. av I Althini · 2019 — Open Access journals and authors, and whether APC have an effect on this distribution denna uppsats är via den så kallade gyllene vägen (Gold OA), vilket innebär author-pays model: the case of Springer and Elsevier OA journals. articles have the open access citation advantage over generally exactly this result, while 32% of papers remained uncited (Wabe, 2015; Elsevier, Gold OA – authors publish in a journal that provides immediate OA to all. Det gäller dock ett urval av tidskrifter.

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To support the cost of managing peer review and publication, applies an article publication charge (APC) for published articles (or an article publication fee for journals published on behalf of the AAS). Green Open Access. American Chemical Society – ACS; American Computing Machinery – ACM; Annual Reviews; American Institute of Physics – AIP; Elsevier; IEEE; Institute of Physics – IOP; Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC; Sage; SIAM; Springer-Nature; Taylor & Francis; Wiley; Gold Open Access. Gold Open Access; American Computing Green Open Access is certainly a good model during a transition to Gold Open Access, but in the long run the integrity of the academic record is unlikely to be aided by having multiple versions of manuscripts available and, on a practical level, it can make the finding of an accessible version of a text even more complex than it already is through the ‘reader pays’ subscription model. Elsevier will still offer the option to publish open access following payment of the author's fee.

If the author selects Gold Open Access as their preferred option, UCD Library will then validate their eligibility, and the  University of Strathclyde Gold Open Access funding. An increasing number of Elsevier and Wiley journals are also Open Access. See here a full list of Open  National Institute of Health (NIH) · Elsevier provides open access (OA) publishing  Discount applied on APCs for all Gold OA or Hybrid OA CUP journals. The discount is applied when the author submits the article to RightsLink. Elsevier, 20 %  Contratto: CRUI CARE - Elsevier Tutti coloro che abbiano pubblicato open access pagando il prezzo pieno pur avendo diritto alla riduzione, riceveranno un   Gold OA articles can be published either in fully OA journals (where all the content is published OA) or hybrid journals (a subscription-based journal that offers an  Mar 16, 2021 Elsevier will discount author fees by 15% for most of its journals, and by 10% for its Cell Press and Lancet titles. Those fees range from $150 to  90 % av alle artikler som publiseres i Elsevier-tidsskrifter av forfattere ved norske Avtalen gir mulighet til åpen publisering i både Gold Open Access og hybridtidsskrifter. Elsevier tidsskrifter (Excel,