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SLA falls sharply on … The Standard Life (LSE: SLA) share price has languished over the past year. Change at the top. Since Standard Life merged with Aberdeen Asset Management in 2017, some analysts have accused the company of lacking direction. Analysts have been speculating that if the new CEO goes on an acquisition spree, he will cut the firm’s dividend to free 2021-3-9 Standard Life Aberdeen Share Price; Standard Life Aberdeen Share Price (SLA) Show Chart Filters . Time period: Moving Average: Compare to: Price: 289.60on 16-04-2021 at 16:30:00: Change: 4.60 1.61%: Buy: 289.00: Sell: 288.80: Buy / Sell SLA Shares: Add to Watchlist Add to … Standard Life Aberdeen plc (LON:SLA) saw its share price hover around a small range of £3.47 to £3.81 over the last few weeks.
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Check out … Check Standard Life Aberdeen PLC (LON:SLA) Share Price, Stock News, Stock Chart, Trends, Market Data, Announcements and Unique Analysis on Kalkine Media Tue, March 30, 2021 UK Edition Published. October 05, 2020. This week we saw the Standard Life Aberdeen plc ( LON:SLA) share price climb by 15%. But that doesn't help the fact that the three year return is less impressive. While not a mind-blowing move, it is good to see that the Standard Life Aberdeen plc share price has gained 15% in the last three months.But that cannot eclipse the less-than-impressive returns over the last three years. Truth be told the share price declined 43% in three years and that return, Dear Reader, falls short of what you could have got from passive investing with an index fund.
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HSBC Holdings PLC share price was 0p at 372.7p [ LON:IHG ] Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC share price was 0p at 4477p [ LON:SLA ] Standard Life Aberdeen PLC share price was 0p at 260.8p Royal Bank of Canada reiterated their underperform rating on shares of Standard Life Aberdeen (LON:SLA) in a report published on Thursday morning, Digital Look reports. The brokerage currently has a GBX 265 ($3.46) target price on the stock. Separately, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft raised Standard Life Aberdeen to a buy rating and increased their price target […] 2021-3-21 · Get Standard Life Aberdeen alerts: SLA opened at GBX 286.70 ($3.75) on Thursday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 15.98, a quick ratio of … Standard Life Aberdeen plc (LON:SLA) insider Jonathan Asquith acquired 30,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Tuesday, March 9th.
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We have operations in 50 Standard Life Aberdeen. The Standard Life Aberdeen (LON: SLA) (SLA.L) share price has delivered a better performance than the FTSE 100 index (INDEXFTSE: UKX) over the past three months.The wealth management business’s shares are up over 20%, while the index has posted a gain of 15%. 2021-3-12 · The impact of this on the Standard Life Aberdeen share price has been significant. It has fallen from over 500p in January 2018, with it now trading at around 283p. In the last few months it has been as low as 236p, but has moved higher on the back of improving performance for the FTSE 100. Recovery potential GET MORE DATA-DRIVEN INSIGHTS INTO LON:SLA » Questioning broker positivity. At its current price of 258.9, shares in Standard Life Aberdeen are trading at a discount of -22.5% to its 52 week high price.
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January 04, 2021. While it may not be enough for some shareholders, we think it is good to see the Standard Life Aberdeen plc ( LON:SLA) share price up 15% in a single quarter.
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SLA had SLA | Complete Standard Life Aberdeen PLC stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Standard Life Aberdeen PLC stock price. Today's LON:SLA chart, history & news.
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Standard Life Aberdeen plc is a leading global investment company. We have operations in 50 Price-Earnings Ratio = Price per share ÷ Earnings per share P/E Calculation for SLA. Price per share = £3.25 Earnings per share = £0.298 ∴ Price-Earnings Ratio = £3.25 ÷ £0.298 = 10.9x The prospects for shares in Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (LON:RBS) (RBS.L), Standard Life Aberdeen PLC (LON:SLA) and Banco Santander SA (LON:BNC) (BNC.L) could be uncertain in my view. RBS, for instance, could experience a volatile period due to Brexit and the possible impact of an increasingly protectionist world economy. View live STANDARD LIFE ABERDEEN PLC ORD 13 61/63P chart to track its stock's price action. Find market predictions, SLA financials and market news.