Demontering Krandepån Södra AB


Reepalu om Malmös förvandling – Motala Vadstena Tidning

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For many decades, the Kockums crane dominated the skyline of Malmo, Sweden. Many people can actually see it because it was impressively high, wide, and heavy. The Kockums Crane (Swedish: Kockumskranen) was a 138 metres (453 ft) high gantry crane at the Kockums shipyard in Malmö, Sweden.It was built in 1973-74 and could lift 1,500 tonnes.The rail width was 175 metres (574 ft) and the rail length 710 metres (2,329 ft). The crane was used to build about 75 ships Railway-cars, bridges, lift-cranes, sugar-machinery, tyfon signalling apparatus, castings.

Token: Kockums Verkstadsklubbs Andelsförening u.p.a. 25

It was built in 1974 during the Kockum  Name of project: Western Harbour Malmö. SWEDEN. City of project: Malmö.


For 25 years it has been seen from half of Skåne. For twelve years it was on duty by Kockum lifting parts of ships, and now it´s more like a homage to all the thousands of people who daily cycled to the ship-yard. Koreans still remember Malmö with the phrase ‘Tears of Malmö.’ When Sweden lost a competitive edge in the shipbuilding industry in the 1980s after some 180 years of dominance, the city’s Kockums Kockums crane can be found in Kockums AB in Malmo before 2002. Since it is the largest in the world, it can lift about 1,500 tons.

Malmo kockums crane

Kockum & Kockum. Vi hälsar dig välkommen till vår tandvårdspersonal på Kockum & Kockum. Hos oss får du och hela din familj den bästa tandvården som ni kan önska er. Våra erfarna och professionella tandläkare, tandhygienister och tandsköterskor välkomnar alla till oss, små som stora. The Kockums Crane built in 1974 Kockumation is a world-leading supplier of marine and industrial applications.
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Malmo kockums crane

Witness a world's largest gantry crane - Kockums, which was originally located at Kockums Shipyard in Sweden, then was dismantled in 2002, painted orange and installed by Hyundai Heavy industries over in Offshore Fabrication Yard (Ulsan, South Korea). Here is how it looked before - a true landmark over the town of Malmo: (image credit: Malmobilder) Vi förvarar person- och släktarkiv från mitten av 1700-talet fram till idag.

– Både min far och farfar har jobbat på Kockums och det har hänt mycket sedan dess. Det är en  Free The Crane (1974) - Byggandet av Kockumskranen mp3 download En film om byggandet av Kockumskranen i Malmö hamn år 1973.
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Demontering Krandepån Södra AB

Many people can actually see it because it was impressively high, wide, and heavy. After it was sold to South Korea, some say that it was then sold to South Vietnam, then to South Georgia.

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Bye bye Malmö Svensk mediedatabas SMDB

Here is how it looked before - a true landmark over the town of Malmo: (image credit: Malmobilder) Vi förvarar person- och släktarkiv från mitten av 1700-talet fram till idag.

Röda Malmö: Industristaden: Kockums Malmö, Sverige, Skanor

300 m long Repslagarebanan (Ropewalk) built 1692 to 1693 for manufacture of ropes on Lindholmen in Navy Yard in Karlskrona örlogsbas (Karlskrona naval. Aerial view of Kockums shipyard, Malmö, Sweden, 1958 The shipyard formerly possessed a 138 metre high crane, known as the Kockums Crane, built in 1973/74 and capable of lifting 1500 tons, which was the largest crane in the world when it was installed in 1974. The crane was not used much because of the Swedish shipyard crisis of the late 1970s and 1980s. It was used the last time in 1997 for lifting the foundations of the high pillars of the World no. 1 Crane The Kockums Crane was originally put picture. picture 6. Bulk Material Handling Solutions - Kockums Bulk Systems picture.

picture 6. Bulk Material Handling Solutions - Kockums Bulk Systems picture. picture 7. KOCKUMS 20 articulated dumper from Italy for sale at Truck1 picture. picture 8.