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About the department; Education; Research; Faculty and Staff; P.O. Box 7080, SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden Phone: +46 46-222 86 57 2018-02-01 2020-05-28 Fredrik Andersson. Professor. fredrik.andersson@nek.lu.se. Phone: +46 46 222 86 76.

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Nationalekonomiska institutionen. Ekonomihögskolan. Webbplats: http://www.nek.lu.se. Telefon: +46 46 222 86 57. Faxnummer: +46 46 222 46 13. Besöksadress: Tycho Brahes väg 1, 223 63 Lund. Postadress: Box 7080, 220 07 Lund.